Archives par étiquette : gospel

Free your inner voice

A seven day training to be held in France in 11th to 19th of Septembre 2019. (inclusive of travel days)

supported by european program erasmus +

A Training Course for trainers, youth workers and peer leaders. It is about developing the competences of youth workers in the areas of empowerment, resilience & positive mental health using singing, mindfullness and nature ! (nó need to know how to sing)
Emphasis will be placed on various ways in which young people may face stressful or challenging events and challenges and we will focus on personal coping skills through emotional management and creative expression skills and personal reflection, as well as for the management of conflicts.
This training will let you live experience that will bring you to better health and wellness.

Moving through interpersonal problematics opens up a wide and varied range of means of creative expression placed at the service of emotional and physical health.

The integration of awareness, body movement, emotion and the voice in “the here and now” requires the use of all our senses. Singing in group is only the result of this.

What for?

It is a workshop based on the principles of using its internal voice through mindfulness, breathing. When this is in place, the interior voice will embodified herself in singing in choir – with others that helps to have a :

Greater acceptance of oneself and others.
Greater spontaneity and ability to express and communicate (artistic and emotionally).
Greater ability to listen to others
Greater ability to feel and move its own body.
Greater freshness and richness in the emotional reaction.
Greater ability to get confidence in one self.
Greater ability to get in contact with nature.
Different tools to bring back home and work, ready to use.

What will we do?

We will:

Explore about aspects of our personality through the experience of being in contact with our inner voice, reconncet with our inner and personnal conflicts and believes, which models our outside, and being able to free this inner voice to be able to project who we really are in the oustide world, our body being our instrument, and the outter voice being only the result.
Allowing access to personal experiences that facilitate greater self-awareness and integration of pending needs or personal unfinished situations.
Learn how singing in choir can be applied in the youth worker framework in order to support youth to raise awareness about themselves or about very specific topics such as leaving in group together, developping confidence, social inclusion, social engagement, increasing wellness and health, through body learning. Increasing social abilities, better confidence,

Trainer: Tinah Drevet – France

Tinah Drevet began the piano at the age of 6 and singing at the age of 14. Hse was trained at the Conservatoire de Nantes. And with 21 years old, she moves to Paris and meets the Gospel. After having directed vocal groups and hers « Women four Gospel », she became chorist for several artists as Nicoletta, Thiéfaine, Indochine.
She decides to dedicate herself to the directing of choir in 2000, she works in several schools of gospel and she funds finally her own school in 2008. Today, at the head of more than 200 students.
She specializes herself in teaching Gospel while insisting on work on the phrasing, groove and english pronounciation.
She looks for, untiringly to let people understand the body implication in singing and rythm apprehension, the essential element and which funded black american music.
She coaches right now several young singer as Jane, Angèle, as well as Oxmo Puccino, Gale Faye, Greg Szlap …
She directs herself from now, to teaching how to sing mixed with meditation, mindfulness and breathing in order to feel singing in whole and in order to live music fully in its body, heart and soul.

Lydie Guégan – France

is university qualified (PHD) in teachers training, programme conceptualising, teaching evaluation since 2003.
Experience in the field of teaching and training as well as organizing and finance administrating with the French ministry of foreign affairs, experience in teaching in the field of personal development since 2009, trained and trainer in MBSR from Jon Kabbat Zin, benevolent education from Isabelle Filiozat, intelligences of Howard Gardner, mindfulness from Tich Nhat Hanh. Long term experience since 1998 in the field of youth worker as she worked 10 years in this field too. Working in the field of European projects through youth exchanges, training, Grundvig, research programmes since 2009.

Board and lodging: fully covered
Travel: as per Erasmus+ programme (see below)

FUnded by the Europena programme Erasmus +